Millionaire Conscience: Develop A Money Mindset

I’m excited and truly blessed to share these details with you all! There is no secret that building wealth isn’t an accident; it happens on purpose. The journey of building wealth allows you to enjoy every moment that you encounter. Society says you must be 65 to retire to secure a wealthy life, which is not true if you make your own rules.

“Building wealth is not just about money.”

Building wealth starts with your outlook on money. Your mentality towards finances directly reflects your conscience. Your conscience is the part of you that helps you interpret what’s right and wrong. It keeps you from acting upon your most basic urges and desires and makes you feel guilty/proud when you do something wrong/good. 

For example, our conscience tells us that going to church to improve faith and understand our religion is a good decision. As you know, “life” may throw other things at you in-between your process of going to church; it’s the same with your conscience about building your wealth.


A “Millionaire’s Conscience” is already within you.


The problem with this is that we have no support system or education to reinforce our millionaire’s conscience. We are constantly being taught right from wrong in areas of education, sports, and social activities. These societal norms are set very early on in our lives and are constantly reinforced. Still, because we don’t have that same reinforcement for our millionaire’s conscience, we can lose our ability to decide between right and wrong when it comes to money moves.


How is this possible?


Well, it can be from your point of view, your circumstances, or what’s around you. It can also be affected by our educational system when you are not taught how to tap into your millionaire mindset and establish healthy habits for building wealth. 


I must inform you again that you ALREADY have a millionaire’s conscience.


We may not think like a millionaire because it hasn’t been coached or enforced on us. Think about all the things you are “coached” to do in life. That is the same way you should feed your millionaire’s conscience. 

Think about the conversations you have with your family, friends, and even your colleagues. Are those conversations enforcing behaviors that will help strengthen your millionaire mentality? Even think about your habits, what music you listen to, what activities you’re participating in, what movies you watch. To enforce and develop your millionaire’s conscience, you must purposely look for all the things that help develop it. 


“Creating a millionaire’s conscience does not start with investing, entrepreneurship, or real estate. Those things come as a result of building up a foundation and understanding what it means to have a millionaire’s conscience.”


Evaluate your conversations with people around you. If the topic is investments or real estate, they have already created a foundation for that mindset.

If you plan to build your home, the home will do nothing but crumble if the foundation is not strong, the same will happen when developing a money mindset. You must have a strong foundation before you start to build on it. Once your foundation is strong enough, then other things like investments will begin to come into play. 

Again, you have to build your foundation. 


To start building your wealth, you must first create a budget within your household. Yes, I know a budget can sometimes be uncomfortable, time-consuming, or seemingly unnecessary, but when you create and strategically design your budget, you are building the foundation for a millionaire’s conscience.

Many of us have one source of income: our full-time job; some of us have multiple sources of income that could be our full-time unemployment. For practice, you can look at your pay statement. Determine what is deducted from your pay statements. I’ve had many conversations with others who ask how much I earn yearly. I say, “I’ve earned $50,000 a year.” While it’s not actually how much I received, it is the total of what I earned. This is called Gross income.

We should start looking at what comes out of our pay statement, which we would call deductions, such as state and federal taxes, health insurance, etc. A budget teaches you what is happening with your income, so you would include all of these deductions in your budget.

Bankruptcy can and will happen if you don’t balance your budget out!

Many strategies can improve your mental wealthiness. Society today makes this process more complicated than it has to be. It is truly up to you to keep up with the strategies that can assist you in building wealth. 

Start building the foundation for your millionaires’ conscience today! 


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